Spring 2010
That’s my truck, parked at New Pioneer food co-op in Iowa City, Iowa.
I took the photo with my cell phone, because Debra has the camera in Louisville.
Yes, Debra is back working in Louisville, at the same job site, although it’s a different phase by now. We couldn’t get a reservation at the RV park we usually stay at in Louisville, and the job was only supposed to last for three weeks, so I stayed with the trailer in Iowa City.
We came to Iowa City to get married. Which we did. The people here in Iowa are so proud of their state. Everyone we meet is eager to tell us how happy they are that Iowa is in the forefront of freedom. We have been made very welcome.
I like being married. And next month I start collecting Social Security! Two milestones in two months. Whew!
I am enjoying Iowa City. I think I could live here. Here or Duluth, if we ever quit living in our trailer.
I don’t know where we’ll be sent next. I’ll let you know.
Still in Iowa
Now it’s late June, and I’m still in Iowa, while Debra bounces around from job to job, a few days here, a few days there. I find that I don’t particularly enjoy living alone, but I’m making the best of it; I’ve returned to working on my manuscript. Debra comes home most weekends, so that’s good.
It has been a season of storms here. Tremendous rain storms. I was lucky to get this picture of a storm as it approached the RV park where I’m staying.