It’s always a good idea to have your mind in the same place and the same time as your body. Likewise, it’s always a good idea to have your emotions in the same place and the same time as your body.
Too much dwelling in the past can bring depression. Too much dwelling in the future can bring anxiety.
Whenever you notice that your mind or your emotions are someplace other than where your body is, bring yourself back to your present place and time, back to your body.
How do you bring yourself back?
* Think about your feet and wiggle your toes.
* Take a breath and actually experience the breath.
* Drink a glass of water.
* Drink a glass of water that you have imbued with a quality that you desire — love, compassion, fortitude, creativity, joy, wonder, curiosity, gratitude, courage, kindness, hope.
* Hug a tree.