
#34 March 22, 2010 As you may know, every couple of months I publish the newsletter of the Breath and water Club. When I do that, I don’t publish a Tenacity Notes issue that week. Here, then, is The Breath and Water Club Newsletter #65. You can find all the...


#35 March 30, 2010 I am intrigued by a fragment of a Robert Frost poem: “Something we were withholding made us weak. Until we found out that it was ourselves We were withholding from our land of living, And forthwith found salvation in...

#66 Why are we doing this?

“Walking on water wasn’t built in a day.”  ~Jack Kerouac Why are we doing this? Do you remember why we began this Breath and Water Club? This is from my December, 2004 invitation to form a club:”Some of you may remember the following suggestion...


#36 April 6, 2010 I am still intrigued by that poem fragment from last week’s Note. I’ve been reading it and thinking about it ever since. I am withholding something, and that is making me weak; it is myself I am withholding from my life; my salvation is...


#37 April 13, 2010 “Walking on water wasn’t built in a day.” Jack Kerouac (This is actually a Breath and Water Club Newsletter. But it put me in mind of Tenacity Notes from July 28, 2009, so I included it here.) Why are we doing this? Do you remember...


#38 April 20, 2010 Tenacity Notice I have a few clients who don’t use email, and they have asked me if I would send Tenacity Notes to them in print form. After some thought and experimentation, I’ve decided I can offer Tenacity Notes as a weekly postcard....


#39 April 27, 2010 I ask myself “What do I want?” And my answer today is that I want to feel free and interested in life. What I want will be my guide. I’ll ask, “How can I interact with life in a way that allows me to feel free and interested...


#40 May 4, 2010 Have fun! Our definition of fun changes over the years. When we’re 4, we like to twirl around until we fall down. When we’re 64, that’s probably not what we do for fun. But the value of fun does not diminish as we age and change. Fun...


#41 May 11, 2010 As part of my endeavor to have more fun, I’ve taken up laughing out loud. It’s a goofy thing to do, laughing out loud all by myself, and doing it makes me laugh. And when I think about it during the day, that makes me laugh. I laugh out...


#42 May 18, 2010 A Tenacity Notes subscriber reports “I got your packet of cards. Thanks for sending them. I’d been in the thick of a conflict with my husband. I kept going over and over in my mind my list of grievances against him, and it’s a list...