Oct 5, 2010
As some of you readers know, I was a shoemaker for 15 years, and for 7 of those years I taught shoe repair at Minneapolis Technical College. During most of the time I was at MTC, I practiced emanating the energy of love. There was a table in the lunchroom, a round...
Oct 6, 2010
I want to share with you this letter from a member of the Breath and Water Club. I share it with you as encouragement to continue or return to your Breath and Water practice. Dear Jett, I turned 70 this year, and I’ve been spending some time reviewing my life...
Oct 12, 2010
#62 October 12, 2010 Speaking of emanating love, here’s an image that you might find useful. Imagine that the energy of love appears as short bursts of brilliant energy. Then imagine that the opposite of love, fear, appears as long stands of energy. You can see...
Oct 19, 2010
#63 Grieve. I have spoken of fear, the fear that results in dire warnings, in hoarding and gun buying; the same fear that engenders the Unsafe Litany. I have the sense that this fear is related to grief. Specifically, it is related to our reluctance to grieve. Why is...
Nov 2, 2010
#64 November 2, 2010 What is Compassion? When my niece was a squirrely 5-year-old, we were crossing a busy street and I said to her, “This is a busy street, I want you to pay attention.” She stomped her foot in exasperation and said, “I have to look...
Nov 9, 2010
#65 November 9, 2010 Thanks a lot for your thoughtful replies about compassion. They’re all so interesting and varied. I have lots to digest. If you haven’t responded, it’s not too late. (It’s never too late to write to me.) I’ll write...
Nov 16, 2010
#66 November 16, 2010 I have an announcement, one that I am pleased as punch to share with you: I have something I want you to see; it’s something I’m selling, something that I made — Intention Cards. I think they’re pretty cool, and people who...
Nov 23, 2010
#67 November 23, 2010 Fulfillment has something to do with being impeccable. Remembering that being impeccable means to do my best in whatever I’m engaged in, am I not sometimes acting impeccably when I give myself a little slack? If doing my best includes...
Nov 30, 2010
#68 November 30, 2010 I’m taking a week off. On our way from Duluth, Minnesota to Blanco, Texas, we’re stopped about mid-way, in Chanute, Kansas, with some perplexing trailer issues. I tend towards being anxious, worried, mad, and generally freaked out...
Dec 7, 2010
#69 December 7, 2010 Compassion, a work in progress. One of you wrote: “I wanted to write you an answer to ‘What does compassion mean?’ But I can’t verbalize it. I thought about it for days and days in November, and I heard the word compassion...