Dec 10, 2010
I didn’t breathe for two months. First a fierce cough, and then pneumonia and a fierce cough, kept my breathing tiny and shallow and kept me at a low level of functioning. Even after my physical symptoms were gone, my breathing was inadequate. I’d fallen...
Dec 14, 2010
#70 December 14, 2010 There is no template for impeccability, but there is this: if you do something that you know (feel, suspect, believe) is bad for you, it is very likely bad for you. If you do something that you know (etc.) is good for you, it is very likely good...
Dec 21, 2010
#71 December 21, 2010 Happy Holidays… Remember: you have nothing to prove. Remember: everyone gets to be who they are, and that includes you. Remember: appreciation — of others as they are, but especially of yourself as you are — is a...
Dec 28, 2010
#72 December 28, 2010 Pause and breathe . . . appreciate where you are . . . breathe . . . appreciate who you are . . . breathe. Repeat often.
Jan 4, 2011
#73 January 4, 2011 A happy and fulfilling 2011 to you. For the rest of January I’ll be in Guanajuato, Mexico. I’ll be studying Spanish at a language school there, and I’ll be living with a local family. I am quite excited. I imagine my brain cells...
Jan 11, 2011
#74 January 11, 2011 In response to last week’s Tenacity Notes, about resistance and allowing, a reader wrote: “The world and all its kingdoms are being challenged to open up and receive.” The world and all its kingdoms, which includes me (and you)....
Jan 18, 2011
#75 January 18, 2011 I had an interesting conversation with a reader. She said that she enjoys using the Intention Cards, and that she picks one at random every morning. She has found the cards to be apt and enlightening. Then she said this: Looking at the Prosperity...
Jan 25, 2011
#76 January 25, 2011 I am quite taken with the notion from last week that prosperity does not come from outside ourselves, but rather from ourselves; as last week’s reader said, from our heart center. Worth pondering. Speaking of prosperity, and concerning our...
Feb 1, 2011
#77 February 1, 2011 You are your soul’s path.
Feb 8, 2011
#78 February 8, 2011 Release resistance. Allow. Release defendedness. Choose appreciation. Eschew fear. Love.