Jul 12, 2011
#99 “One does not always stay intact.” ~Judith Butler There is something to be said for allowing yourself to be shook up; as opposed to trying to protect yourself from the shaking. There is something to be said for letting yourself be who you are, rather...
Jul 19, 2011
#100 This is issue #100 of Tenacity Notes! Wow. Congratulations to all of us for our tenacity. Someone recently asked me what my philosophy of life was. Although I’d never considered that question before, I answered without pause. “Always leave a place...
Jul 26, 2011
#101 Here’s a reader’s reply from last week: “What a great 100th Tenacity Notes. Just asking ourselves, ‘what can I do to leave this better’ can bring clarity to every corner of our lives — as helpful in depth as in breadth. Goes...
Aug 2, 2011
#102 Along the lines of leaving a place better than you found it, I give you a poem by José Martí. The place in this poem could be named conflict. Always leave a conflict better than you found it. Which is quite different from the way we’re used to thinking...
Aug 3, 2011
#106 Last summer, on June 30, in issue #48, I wrote: “I know I’ve talked about this before, but lately the topic has been nudging me something fierce. It wants attention: Expectations. They can get you into such trouble.” Well, the subject of expectations...
Aug 8, 2011
#103 I’ve made 3 new Intention Cards, and if I may say so myself, they are very nice. You can buy them from me for cost plus mailing — $3 per set of 3. You can go to my Web site, to the Intention Cards page, and purchase them there via PayPal. Click this...
Aug 16, 2011
#104 A reader had this to say about Tenacity Notes #102 (the one with the José Martí poem): “Your radical idea of leaving a conflict better than you found it is having a profound impact on my family. My daughter has been embroiled in conflict with her teenage...
Aug 23, 2011
#105 What exists is much richer than what you can observe. quantum mechanics
Aug 30, 2011
#106 Last summer, on June 30, in issue #48, I wrote: “I know I’ve talked about this before, but lately the topic has been nudging me something fierce. It wants attention: Expectations. They can get you into such trouble.” Well, the subject of expectations...
Sep 6, 2011
#107 If you think you know how something should be, you’re likely to miss how it really is. If you think you know how someone should be, you’re likely to miss how they really are. You could be missing a lot. This week again, eschew expectations. Instead,...