Sep 13, 2011
#108 You may remember that I am fond of tying a string around my finger to remind me to pay attention to something. Well, a reader has a much better idea. She recently purchased the 3 new Intention Cards, and the Allow card, with the image of a sailboat, pleased her...
Sep 20, 2011
#109 The Word By Tony Hoagland Down near the bottom of the crossed-out list of things you have to do today, between “green thread” and “broccoli” you find that you have penciled “sunlight.” Resting on the page, the word is beautiful, it touches you as if you had a...
Sep 27, 2011
#110 I’ve been disturbed by some of the public discourse l hear lately. If you’re old, or sick, or poor — tough luck; there is no such thing as the common good; your hardships are not my problem; you are on your own; if you suffer, it’s...
Oct 4, 2011
#111 As you may remember, I have suggested this for a motto: “Eschew expectations.” Well, I recently learned something more about expectations than that they are “planned disappointment.” Expectations make a situation be all about me. If I have...
Oct 11, 2011
#112 It’s sometimes easy for me to get out of my rhythm. Moving from one place to another will do it, which is what we’re about to do. The plan is to move from Duluth to Prior Lake, MN tomorrow, weather permitting (we don’t drive in the rain if we...
Oct 25, 2011
#113 This issue comes from two readers. Two stories of transformation: Reader 1. I have had a lifelong tendency to have a negative outlook. My negative outlook has made me unhappy and short tempered. Lately I’ve been following your advice to leave every...
Nov 1, 2011
#114 We have been in the Twin Cities for longer that we expected, visiting a friend who is dying. Sitting with her, I was reminded of a story, a true story, that I told in a Breath and Water newsletter (#45). I was glad to remember it again, and maybe you will be,...
Nov 8, 2011
#115 I was talking with a Tenacity Notes reader recently, and she said something interesting: Everything is either resistance or non-resistance. I agree with her. In a way, that’s what Tenacity Notes is all about, practices for releasing resistance. But, you...
Nov 15, 2011
#116 The responses to last week’s Notes were numerous and varied. I’ll be writing about them soon. But for now, I’m still on the road from Minneapolis to Texas. What a long, strange trip it’s been. Plus, I’ll be gone to Oaxaca, Mexico for...
Nov 22, 2011
#117 About #115, resistance, Rachel Nelson said, “Very pithy – what am I resisting?” Then she wrote a poem. Free Fall I stand at the edge looking down. A pebble, boot-knocked, plummets makes no sound seems to fall forever sweet release. My place is...