
#139 Don’t think unkind thoughts about anyone. Do this for your own good. Harboring unkind thoughts is not good for you. Not good for your spirit; not good for your body. Here’s how one reader put it: “Although I have spent much time over many years...


#140 I don’t want to belabor this issue of  “don’t think unkind thoughts about anyone,” but it has caused a lively discussion. I’ll share with you the email conversation I had with one reader. She said: “Hi Jett, I have a question...


#141 The question from a reader in last week’s Notes caused a great discussion. I’ll repeat the question, and then I’ll share some of your responses. Thank you for those replies. The original question, in part, read: “Hi Jett,        I have a...


#142 Eagle Poem             by Joy Harjo To pray you open your whole self To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon To one whole voice that is you. And know there is more That you can’t see, can’t hear Can’t know except in moments Steadily growing, and in...


#143 A reader writes that she will read Joy Harjo’s poem often, “to remind myself to ‘take the utmost care and kindness in all things.’ ” Do you want to try it? Let’s! Let’s try taking the utmost care and kindness in all...


#144 Take the utmost care and kindness in all things. I’d decided to take this to heart and practice it. The first challenge I encountered was remembering that I’d decided to practice. So I used the tried and true (tied and true?) technique of tying a...

#145 “Dear Jett”

“Dear Jett, When I get your Tenacity Notes each week, I say ‘Yes, that makes good sense, I’ll practice that.’  I do practice your teachings, and they make a difference in me and in my life, and in the lives of people I interact with, and I am...


#146 Regarding reading back issues of Tenacity Notes, a reader sent this. It’s great. “I’ve been struggling with someone in my family, who is not the way I wish they were. I asked for some guidance and decided to choose a Tenacity Note at random and see...


#147 Have you ever had a reading from me? I’m in the midst of trying to figure out how to increase my business. In that light, it has been suggested to me that I find words other than “psychic” and “reading” to describe my work. I...


#148 Intelligent, down-to-earth, in-depth, accurate, and wise psychic guidance for personal and spiritual growth. Thank you all very much. Your responses to my plea have been useful for sure, and most gratifying. No catchy, two-word phrase showed up to replace...