
#149 Life is huge; a huge, wide, unknown mystery of existence. In that vast expanse of mystery, what do we know? We know the laws of nature — if I jump up, I will only go so high. Even Michael Jordan will only go so high. And I will come down again. But other...


#150 Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn’t make any sense. ~...


#151 Sometimes we dither on the edge of a decision because we’re afraid of making a mistake. Sometimes we don’t step into the adventure of life because we’re afraid of making a mistake. Sometimes we stay tied to our habitual ways of being/doing...

#152 Remain Tight or Blossom

There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anais Nin Can you feel the difference in your body between remaining tight in the bud and blossoming? Can you identify what causes the tightness? One...

#153 “I Am Blossoming”

Dear Jett, I have never enjoyed yoga, but I keep trying. It’s supposed to be so good for you. But those teachers are always correcting your posture – a quarter inch here and a tiny fraction there – and telling you to hold a position longer than you...


#154 Many of you replied with appreciation for the question: “Am I tight in the bud, or am I blossoming?” I was hiking one day at the Laurentian Divide recreation area, just north of Virginia, MN. It was a stunningly beautiful autumn day. I thought to...

#155 Read The Back Issues

Blooming vs. remaining tight in the bud;  take the utmost care and kindness in all things;  smile;  love the one you’re with;  what do you emanate?;  there are two essential elements to any performance – joy and passion;  don’t do anything to anyone...


#156 In the past few weeks, it’s been reported to me or I’ve actually seen the following conditions either eliminated or vastly improved solely through people increasing the amount of water they drink every day: headaches, itchy skin, a bloated feeling,...


#157 Here’s a good question to keep handy: “How can I make the best of this situation?” Too often we expect someone else to make the best of the situation. We expect our boss to be more fair, our spouse to listen better, our children to be more...


#158 Can you relinquish resentments? Can you let go of grievances? This week, uncover any grievances and resentments that you hold. Can you be done with them? Let me know.