Feb 5, 2013
#169 It’s a wonder, our bodies’ natural inclination to heal and be whole. Sometimes a little nudge helps to support that natural inclination. Debra taught me a technique she learned someplace. It’s a bedtime technique for healing. I use it a lot,...
Feb 19, 2013
#170 Have you been writing your list of 10 things that you’re grateful for every morning? What have you noticed? Any particular insights? If you haven’t been, why not? Let me know.
Feb 26, 2013
#171 Throw caution to the wind! Risk being your whole, unadulterated, unprotected, awesome self! from Edna St. Vincent Millay: “My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends — It gives a lovely light!” and...
Mar 6, 2013
#172 This entire issue is from readers. The first 5 items are a list of things one reader noticed about gratitude while doing his daily list of 10 gratitudes. 1. It is possible to invoke a feeling of gratitude by an act of will. That surprised me; I thought one was...
Mar 13, 2013
#173 Remember to always leave a conflict better than you found it. Let me know how you do so.
Mar 20, 2013
I was watching the wind as it was swirling the dust and blowing the leaves, and thinking how the wind is only known by the effects it causes. Love is like that. Love has no physicality — it can’t be described, like a tree or a person can be. It can only be...
Apr 3, 2013
#175 I was sick in bed for awhile with pneumonia. Thus no Tenacity Notes last week. I’m pretty much better now. Having pneumonia put me in mind of death, and I’ve been thinking about a couple of people I know who’ve died. One of them thought a lot...
Apr 17, 2013
#176 A reader writes: “I have a lot of distress in my life, and your idea that it is self-inflicted was insulting. At first. But since the idea came from you, I gave it my consideration. Grudgingly, I admit that you’re probably right. So I’ve made a...
Apr 30, 2013
#177 I’m having plenty of practice in making the best of it. I find that at my best I am open-hearted and undefended. I also find that I am at my best in fits and starts. I trust that I’ll get better with practice! We’re in the midst of the spring...
May 7, 2013
#178 While navigating a difficult situation with a commitment to make the best of it, I found that the situation did not have the power to confound me. Challenge me, yes. But not cause me distress. And as it went along, I kept finding silver linings. If I hadn’t...