May 23, 2013
#179 I’ve been thinking about demons, and about being possessed by them, and about what a commonplace experience that is. If a demon is something outside of you that can posses you and take you over, then your beliefs, your expectations, even your values and...
May 29, 2013
#180 Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to...
Jun 11, 2013
#181 I want to revisit appreciation. Do you ever wreck your present time experience by worrying about what might or could or should happen in the future? Or by thinking about something that happened or didn’t happen in the past? Try appreciating your present...
Jun 18, 2013
#182I’ve quoted from Nygaard Notes before. I’m doing it again. I consider Nygaard to be a clear thinker and a clear communicator, and his idea of “anchors” is useful. I suggest you read the entire issue, #532. Here...
Jun 26, 2013
#183 Take it to the next level. Do you practice conscious breathing every morning? Add a few minutes. Do you run a mile every day? Run a little bit more. Do you write 500 words a day? Write 550. Or maybe it’s something you’re not doing. Are you trying to...
Jul 2, 2013
#184 This week, live as though everyone is doing the best they can. I may think that this one or that one should do better, but then thinking that wouldn’t be me doing my best, and I know it. Let me just assume, for just this week at least, that everyone is...
Jul 10, 2013
#185 Living as though everyone is doing the best they can is an act of generosity. Are there other ways you can be more generous? Ways you can take your generosity to the next level? Think about any way you might be a bit stingy in your life, and turn it around. Are...
Jul 15, 2013
#186 I’m on a vacation of sorts for the next couple of weeks — grandchildren are visiting. But that doesn’t mean that I am unavailable. Please call me and write to me as you wish. They may be young and energetic, but they do go to bed! In the...
Jul 23, 2013
#187 Readers sent these questions about Everyone Is Doing The Best They Can: You say everyone is doing the best they can, but wait — what if someone is being mean to me, is treating me disrespectfully? What if my son-in-law is cheating on my daughter? What if my...
Aug 5, 2013
#188 I’d been thinking about structure and the freedom that can be found within it, and about the value of practice, when someone sent me a link to this Oprah/Deepak Chopra 21-day on-line guided meditation thing. Hmmm, I thought, synchronistic timing. Structure...