
#189 (Warning: disgusting image ahead) When I find myself indulging in old, not-helpful, habitual patterns of thought or feeling, I suggest to myself that I am “stewing in my own shit.” That image is so thoroughly disgusting that all I can do is roll my...


#190 Mirror, mirror everywhere. I am more and more aware of the way other people provide a mirror for me. For example, at the Y the other day, the woman at the desk scolded me soundly because I had my cell phone in my hand as I checked out. I wasn’t talking on...

#191 Radiate Love — the Path Begins

I have decided that there is nothing more important for me to do in my life than to radiate love. Shall I tell you how I’m doing it?

#192 Daring Adventure

Helen Keller said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” I must view this business of radiating love as a daring adventure, or it’ll turn into nothing. What I mean is, it’s not a walk in the park! There are times when I steadfastly...


#193 I’m radiating love! Here’s how I do it. I imagine that the energy of love appears as short bursts of sparkling energy. Rather like these dashes – – but bright. Radiating love is simply this: imagining those short bursts of bright energy...


#194 Appreciation and gratitude beget more opportunities for appreciation and gratitude. Radiating love begets joy. A negative perspective begets more opportunities to be bummed out.    


#195 Sometimes I catch myself imagining the energy of love traveling out from me and touching others. Even more, I imagine those shorts bursts of energy influencing the others. But that’s not radiating, that’s directing. Pointing. Attempting to control....

#196 Who Am I To Limit It?

I have come to recognize that there are forces in the universes that are more proficient at managing details than I am. When I focus on the details, all I really do is limit possibility. When I concern myself with what the effect of my radiating love should be, I am...

#197 What’s So Scary About It?

The more I practice radiating love, the more aware I am of when, and how often, I’m not radiating love. At first, I practiced simply shifting from not radiating love to radiating love. It is a lovely practice, and I appreciate it. Truly, I cannot radiate love...

#198 Vulnerability and Receptivity

I’m trying to reconcile two images: 1. Arms thrown wide open, saying Yes! to life. 2. Radiating love. There is a powerful vulnerability in arms thrown wide open, a vulnerability that I don’t sense in radiating love. So I wonder, with radiating love am I...