Oct 22, 2013
#199 When I practice receptivity, I can feel all my defenses and protections fall away. It is exhilarating! It is also terrifying. Then I realize that the terrifying part has to do with having stepped into the future. Or more accurately, attempting to step into the...
Oct 31, 2013
I’ve got a string tied around my finger. We’ve been on our fall migration south, and in all the activity and stress of moving, I misplaced my intention to radiate love and practice receptivity. It’s relatively easy to maintain my practice when my...
Nov 5, 2013
I’ve been practicing your idea of radiating love, and I want to tell you some things that I have noticed. The first thing I want to tell you is how good it feels! I practiced it like you said, all the time. All the practice must have paid off, because now I find...
Nov 24, 2013
If you insist on having expectations, go ahead and have them. Just be sure that you’ll be able to relinquish them at a moment’s notice! (Therein lies wonder!)
Dec 10, 2013
Someone asked me, how do you radiate love when you’re feeling that you’ve been betrayed? When you radiate love, that is what you radiate. You cannot radiate love and the feeling of being put upon or betrayed. You cannot radiate love and shame, or love and any other...
Dec 16, 2013
Someone wrote: “You can’t shift from feeling betrayed to radiating love just like that. It’s not that easy.” I know. I get it. That’s why we practice! The more you practice radiating love when it’s easy, the easier it’ll be to...
Jan 1, 2014
I had two teeth extracted yesterday. As I reclined in the dentist chair, I wondered how I could relax. I wasn’t nervous exactly, but I wasn’t exactly at ease, either. So I decided that the best thing I could do was radiate love. Which I did. And I realized...
Jan 17, 2014
Open to your own true awesomeness. Accept it, allow it, let it glow. I have used this as my falling asleep mantra, and I’ve had some lovely and thrilling dreams! “I open to my own true awesomeness. I accept it, I allow it, and I let it glow.” What is...
Jan 22, 2014
Remember me talking about getting my teeth extracted, and radiating love in order to relax? (Issue #205) Well, here’s what one reader had to say about that: “Ever since I had chemotherapy two years ago, I have had a terrible gag reflex when in a dentist...
Feb 3, 2014
What if who you are now is who you came here to be? What if you are perfect? “Find your own stress level — the speed at which you can run toward your own goal. Make sure that both the stress level and the goal are really your own, and not imposed upon you...