#19 Deepen Generosity

You love the Breath and Water Club! I’ve been hearing from you. You’ve been practicing Breath and Water for a year and have seen profound changes in your life. You just started, after getting the newsletter for a year, and already your perspective on life...

#20 Balance

It’s the equinox. It’s time to pay attention to balance. Breath and Balance Today, focus on exhaling during your 15 minutes of breathing. Begin your breath with exhale. Exhale completely. Let the inhale take care of itself. Tomorrow, focus on inhaling....

#21 I am going to die.

I am going to die. So are you. There is nothing else to know. Everything you think you know about the next moment, or the next week, or the next month is only pretend. The only thing you can know beyond this immediate moment is this: “I will die.” Here is...

#22 Responses

Responses from the last newsletter I typically get several responses to the Breath and Water Club newsletters right away. With the last newsletter, the “I am going to die” newsletter, the silence was deafening! Nothing for the longest time, then just one...

#23 What Do You Want?

“Where are you?” That’s a question I’ve been hearing a lot of lately. So I’ll tell you. But first, here’s a beautiful comment I received about the “I am going to die” newsletter. “I haven’t responded before,...

#24 When Death Comes

How are you doing with your Breath and Water practice? Some more about “I don’t know” from a reader: *This is a good one, Nancy/Jett. They’re all good. But this one hit home. “More and more, I consider myself an agnostic. Not only in the theological sense...

#25 Am I an atheist?

Sorry for the long hiatus between issues. It was just plain too hot. Now it’s cooler (I am wearing a sweatshirt! Yippee!) and I can think. I feel more able to be present with my breathing, and I once again have the energy to imbue before I imbibe. How are you...

#26 Lullaby

Lullaby and Good Night The idea of sleep has come up a few times in the past month. First, a friend said I should change the club’s name to the Breath and Water and Sleep club, because sleep is so healing and rejuvenating. Then I got a note from a reader:...

#27 Intentional Eating

INTENTIONAL EATING It’s true that intentional breathing, intentional water drinking (imbue and imbibe), and intentional sleeping cause balance. But there’s one thing more, and that’s intentional eating. With your practice of breathing and drinking...

#28 more Intentional Eating

Here are a couple of reports from you regarding intentional eating: *Hi Jett — I’m so glad you mentioned intentional eating. When I was in France last year, I finally learned how someone could dine for hours — not by wolfing it down, but by sitting...