#219 It’s not a solution, it’s a path.

I got pretty crabby last week. I didn’t like being 66 years old. I didn’t like that I’ve gained weight. I didn’t like not knowing what the rest of my life would look like. I didn’t like not having enough money. I didn’t like much of...

#220 Breath and Water Excerpt

Last week I mentioned the Breath and Water Club newsletter. Some of you don’t go back that far, and you wondered what it was. (I started it in 2004, and it ran for 6 years before it morphed into Tenacity Notes.) I’ve moved the back issues of the Breath and...

Abundance and Gratitude

Note: This isn’t an actual Tenacity Notes, but I put it here so I could link to it on Facebook. Read it. You’ll understand. This is an excerpt from a Breath and Water Club newsletter, July 2005. I was teaching about gratitude at a recent class. I suggested...

#221 Fail, Fail, Fail

I haven’t written for a while because I didn’t know what to write. What could I say? That I fail more than I succeed at radiating love? That’s the truth. I return, again and again and again, to the practice of radiating love. But I don’t seem...

#222 Manifestations of Love

Love is such an imprecise word. I was wondering if I could parse it out a bit, perhaps identify various aspects of love. Once I began listing them, I realized they are not so much aspects as they are manifestations of love. Compassion, empathy, appreciation, wonder,...

#223 Other Manifestations

Other manifestations of love, from readers: courage, optimism, awe, and remember that love is without conditions — no ifs, ands, or buts. The reason I began listing manifestations of love is because it was easier than describing the physical, felt experience of...

#224 Despicable Woman

Remember, you radiate love from, not to. Do you remember that old New Age practice of surrounding other people in White Light? It said: Do you know someone who needs healing? Are you having a conflict with someone? Simply imagine them surrounded in White Light. It is...

#225 Too Hard!

A reader asks: Can I really learn to radiate love and be at peace? I ask: How do I love someone who did something despicable? This whole love thing might just be too hard! Why is it my path? Why did I choose it? Why did it choose me? But none of that really matters....

#226 To Love Those I Cannot Love

If love is my path, my next step is surely to feel love for those I cannot love. Oh dear. Every now and then recently, I am surprised by a vision of being surrounded by people I cannot love. I stand on my path of love, and I am encircled by these people. Despicable...

#227 The Mirror

Many of you wrote to me about my attempt to love someone I cannot love. All of you said something on the order of: the one you cannot love is an aspect of you. I understand that to mean that the one I cannot love is a mirror; that if I look at the quality I despise in...