Sep 2, 2014
We move from good to better. We move from success to greater success. Some of us focus on what is wrong, on what we haven’t done right, and we hope that our negative focus will spur us to do better. But we’re much more likely to do better if we allow...
Sep 9, 2014
“Guilt is just an inside-out way of feeling good about yourself by saying how bad you feel, and I don’t have any time for it. Taking responsibility is something different.” ~ Dan
Oct 1, 2014
I know it’s been a long time since Tenacity Notes #229, but things happened. The first thing that happened was autumn. I was staggered by the beauty of the far northland. Possessed by it. Stunned. I could do little, other than be awed. Then Lena, my feline...
Oct 6, 2014
Here’s one thing I know about shame: IT’S NOT YOURS. You only have it because someone gave it to you. It’s what we tend to do with shame — we pass it on. That’s what the person who belittles another is doing, he’s passing on the...
Oct 14, 2014
Consider this: The situation is neutral — it only becomes a positive experience or a negative experience according to the energy you impose upon it. The circumstance is neutral — it is your perspective that turns it into a mess or a blessing. Whenever I...
Oct 20, 2014
In honor of Dr. Emoto, who died recently, I’ve been assiduously practicing Imbue and Imbibe. Remember that? See: Icky Rice Imbue and Imbibe Intentional Eating and More Intentional Eating
Nov 4, 2014
When I am disturbed by something a person says or does, I remind myself that it is my response to the person that is causing me to feel disturbed. Then I see if I can find a way to respond that not only doesn’t disturb me, but actually makes me feel good.
Nov 10, 2014
Every moment of your life has led to this.
Nov 18, 2014
If it’s true that every moment of my life has led to this, then THIS must be a profoundly important moment. When I have sufficient awareness to remember that every moment of my life has led to this moment, then I can choose to honor the profound importance of this...
Nov 24, 2014
Happiness and kindness. They are inseparable. If you can’t be kind, you’re not happy. If you’re not happy, you can’t be kind. Want happiness? Be kind. This week, practice kindness. With everyone and everything you encounter, be kind. Regardless of anything else...