Dec 17, 2014
A friend gave me a new way to describe/experience radiating love: walk through my day in an aura of love. I like it! I like it a lot. It’s a joyful thing to do. It’s a simplifying thing to do. It’s a happy thing to do. It tickles my fancy. I laugh. I’ve had to tie a...
Dec 23, 2014
Sometimes, even oftentimes, interacting with other humans fills me with joy. But here’s the thing — that joy can show up even when the human I am interacting with is one I know to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and Republican. So where does this joy originate? Surely...
Jan 8, 2015
It was Martin Luther King, Jr. who first got me to seriously consider the idea of love. Not when he was alive. No. I was too committed to self-righteous anger to understand that there might be power in love. Then, about 25 years ago I suppose, I started listening more...
Jan 15, 2015
I got my hair cut yesterday, and by the time it was done, the stylist and I had concluded that there are only two things any follower of any religion needs to know: 1. God is love. 2. Kindness is the highest calling of a religious person — unconditional kindness...
Jan 29, 2015
Here’s one thing about having expectations — when you have expectations of another, you’re likely to end up relating to your expectations and not to the person. When my friend says she’ll be here at 6:00, I expect her to be on time. When she...
Feb 10, 2015
A valentine exercise. Pay attention to the expectations you have of the valentine/s in your life, especially any expectations you have of how your valentines should express their love for you. Rather than expecting them to show their love for you in the way that you...
Feb 25, 2015
Spring is such a generous time of year. Although spring is arriving at Blanco State Park, where I live in the winter, I do realize it’s not quite spring where many of you are. But maybe a great outpouring of generosity will attract spring to you. Now is an excellent...
Mar 5, 2015
Why worry? “Everything the laws of the universe do not prohibit must finally happen.” Stay open, stay vulnerable, stay free. (The quote is from the novel The Time of Our Singing.) By the way, how are you doing with...
Mar 13, 2015
Happiness isn’t something that just happens to you if you’re lucky. Happiness can be practiced. It’s like a muscle. In many, it’s like a muscle that is too seldom used and has become puny. Build your happiness muscle! Practice happiness; practice appreciation. When...
Mar 17, 2015
I’ve talked about your aura of love. About my aura of love. But what does “aura” mean? I find that it’s easier to understand my so-called energy field as a “bubble.” And it’s easy to imagine that my bubble is composed of love. My lexicon recognizes...