Nov 6, 2006
All last week I drove dump truck at an ethanol plant in Nebraska. I also used a skid steer and a backhoe to load the dump truck. The company that employs Deb put me on the payroll so that I could help out here and there. We worked 11-hour days for 6 days that week. It...
Dec 6, 2006
You can think of perspective as the running commentary you have going in your head. How do you describe your life situations to yourself? Pay attention, and remember that if you can think one thing, you can think another. Not only that, if you can feel one thing, you...
Dec 31, 2006
Following is a list of the titles of the Breath and Water Club Newsletters from 2006. Recent comments from you about the past two newsletters follow the list. The other thing that happened in 2006, which has something to do with my Breath and Water practice, is that I...
Jan 4, 2007
This issue is late because what I had planned to write kept getting shoved aside by what I am writing, which I resisted. Which is abortion. But first, how are you doing? I have offered you many practices over the past year. Imbue and imbibe, intentional eating,...
Feb 10, 2007
You were very pleased with the last issue on abortion. Many of you forwarded the newsletter to your daughters, sisters, co-workers, mothers, and even priests. Many of you said that it helped make sense of your own miscarriages and abortions. I’m glad it was...
Mar 10, 2007
Oh, the things I don’t know! I heard some things the other day. I want to share them with you. Our sun is a star, around which Earth and several other planets orbit. That is our solar system, and it is unimaginably vast. That solar system is in a galaxy, the...
Apr 10, 2007
Re-energize your daily breath and water practice. Add movement. Back in December, before I got hooked on creating my Web site, we had issue #30 “Become a Master of Perspective.” Remember? If you can think one thing, you can think another. If you can feel...
May 10, 2007
Remember when you deepened your practice of generosity? (Issue #19, February 2006) Now I suggest that you deepen your breathing practice. I have extended my breathing time to 30 minutes. During that time, I keep my awareness strictly on the sensations in and around my...
Jul 10, 2007
I’ve been counting my blessings. But first, No need for cosmetic surgery here! Have you lengthened your breathing time to 30 minutes? I heard from a scant few of you, but your responses were heartening. One of you said: * It’s been a challenge to carve out 30 minutes...
Jul 23, 2007
The laugh’s on me! It’s 109° in the shade here, with no relief in sight, and I can’t stop chuckling. Last year I wrote about “I Don’t Know.” Remember? It was in issue #23. Hopefully after you read this, you’ll go back and read that. In that issue, I wondered...