#49 Internal vs. External

Internal vs. External (speaking of fulfillment…) It is pretty much always the case: when you find yourself fussing over, wanting to change, or otherwise trying to control your external environment, look first to your internal environment, where you will find...

#50 Internal/External Responses

I’ve just returned from Louisville, KY. It was very hot and very humid there. Whew. I was there for several days with Deb, who went to attend some pre-con (pre-construction) meetings. We will be returning there in a few weeks, when Deb will begin her work as...

#51 Couples Work and Review

As a friend of mine said, it’s September, the time when all good studying begins. So if these autumn days cause an inclination to study, you’ll find plenty to ponder in this review of the last four years of the Breath and Water Club. Yup, in December we will...

#52 Armageddon!

Recession! Depression! Armageddon! (maybe all those dire predictions about 2012 are true after all) Physicists tell us that the universe is expanding, expanding in every direction from every point. You, the microcosm, are also expanding, expanding in every direction...

#53 Lunatic!

Become a lunatic I’ve been spending too much time driving from Kentuckiana to Michiana, pulling our trailer (our home) to the factory, trying to get it fixed so it pulls right. It’s been all too easy for me to let this problem loom large in my mind. But...

#54 Abundance

You may have seen this story before, but I thought you’d find it useful again, what with all the angst about scarcity circling around us. This is a true story. It blew my socks off when it happened, and it blows my socks off today. Do you remember this true...

#55 I was born! I am alive!

Happy New Year, Happy Inauguration Day I know it’s been a while since the last newsletter. I trust you haven’t been too worried! Thanks to those of you who found me to ask what I was up to. In mid-November I moved from Louisville, Kentucky to Blanco,...

#56 Column of Light

I recently returned to a meditation I used to use, and I loved it. Then I added an alteration, now I REALLY love it. Maybe you’ll love it too. Sitting and breathing, I imagine myself encompassed in a column of light, a column of light that extends down into...

#57 Your Soul Beckons You; There is No Shame

I want to share an image with you A lot of what I teach, maybe most of it, I learn during readings. Of course, not everything in every reading is applicable to every person. But now and then an image in a reading has a special luminosity, and I know it is a...

#58 Connect to Your Core

The warm, soft breath Many of you responded to the last newsletter, Your Soul Beckons You, with gratitude. You liked it. I’m glad, I liked it too. Connect to your Core I joined the YMCA here, and have been swimming and attending water aerobics classes daily. I...