
#17 November 9, 2009 The string worked its magic. In reminding me to be impeccable, it first reminded me to slow down. It reminded me to wonder if this thing I was about to do — this action I was about to take, this thought I was about to think, these words I...


#18 November 17, 2009 The launch of the Charter for Compassion (http://charterforcompassion.org/) reminds me that impeccability includes practicing the golden rule — do unto others that which you would have them to do unto you. Don’t do anything to anyone...


#19 November 24, 2009 The golden rule caused lots of comments. Before I respond, I want to give you an addendum. Don’t do anything to yourself that you wouldn’t wish on others. For example, take envy. Do you ever feel envious of others? Think that their...


#20 December 1, 2009 No Notes this week. I tripped over the cat and twisted my back, and I’m laid up. But let me just say that practicing the golden rule has been challenging, enlightening, irritating, delightful, informative, funny, kind, hopeful, humbling,...

#63 5 Years!

When dawn doesn’t arrive until after 7 am, and twilight comes by 5, it’s the perfect time to dwell within. In the midst of the manic energy of the “holiday season,” stay with your breath. Luxuriate in the long evenings by expanding your...


#21 December 8, 2009 Not only is the golden rule “challenging, enlightening, irritating, delightful, informative, funny, kind, hopeful, humbling, inspiring, and seemingly endless,” as I said last week, but it is simple. It is unambiguous. It is clear....


#22 December 21, 2009 Happy Holidays. As you visit family and friends, remember that everyone gets to be who they are. And you, to the very best of your ability, get to appreciate them for who they are. Not for who they might be, or could be, or should be, or ought to...


#23 December 29, 2009 Do you love what is potential or what is real in yourself and others? “Potential” is a story we tell ourselves, a story about an imagined future (one of nearly an infinite number of possible futures). Can you love yourself and others...


#24 January 5, 2010 You have nothing to prove. (nothing to justify, nothing to defend, nothing to explain, nothing to fear)


#25 January 11, 2010 What if what the sages say is true? What if it’s true that all you need is love? What if it’s true that the essence of all of creation is joy? Is there a way you can test it? Yes. Assume, for a little while at least, that it is true,...