Here are some comments and thank-yous from Jett’s clients.

~ S.M. Vancouver
“My headaches plagued me for many years. Now they are gone, thanks to Jett Sophia.”
~ A.M. Texas
“After a reading with Jett Sophia, I feel a renewed sense of hope and happiness and am excited about what’s next and what’s possible.”
~ J.M. Minneapolis
“Your guidance over the years has been priceless. Because of your support and insights, I am now living the life I’ve dreamed of. You helped me see that it was possible and that I could do it.”
~ M.Z. Minneapolis
“Thanks, Jett. Your gentle, positive perspective is wonderful and refreshing.”
~ K.M. Minneapolis
“Jett’s readings always give me a perspective on my life that is about growth and fulfillment.”
~ M.L. Mallorca.
“Jett helped me choose which products to use as I attempted to build a non-toxic house. Her psychic vision is accurate.”
~ T.C. Massachusetts
“Jett’s reading on dental materials was invaluable in helping me find a filling that I could tolerate with my chemical sensitivities.”
~ D.M. Tuscon
Some Thank You Notes
“I wanted you to know how helpful you’ve been during these years of my illness and now my preparation for death. You are a gifted healer, and I am grateful that I was able to work with you. Goodbye. I’ll see you on the other side.”
“Thanks for jumping into my chaos and making sense of it!”
“You are a kind and generous person, and that shines through in your readings. I always leave a reading from you feeling uplifted.”
“Oh Jett, thank you for your help today. Wow, you gave me 15 years of help in one hour. Simply amazing. I am very grateful. I shared what you said with my husband, and it meant a lot to him too. Thank you again.”
“Do you remember those years when I was depressed and I called you so often? You were my salvation.”
“The readings you offer are more profound than any I’ve ever had. You give coaching on a soul level.”
“This is my 10th year being cancer free, thanks in large part to you. I celebrate you!”
“I just wanted to write a short note to let you know that the session that I had with you last year has helped me in so many ways! I have referred to the recording and the meaning of it all many times. I want you to know that you have helped me get to the person I am today. Thank you.”
“I want you to know how I’ve really appreciated being in touch with you over the years. Your readings are always beneficial. You have helped me lead a fuller, more authentic life. Your readings have often challenged me to wake up. Thank you. I am glad there is you!”
“Kindness and wisdom emanate from your hands. Your healings exist in a paradigm that is profoundly different from the common paradigms of health care. You have given me my life back.”
“You have a profound gift, and you do real good in the world by sharing it.”
Click here to learn about reading fees, length of readings, and other details.